The Gate Called Beautiful Website was created as a tool for the congregation to utilize for communication and informational purposes. While most church members will not use all the pages initially, hopefully you will benefit from viewing a majority of the pages over time. The guide below describes the purpose of the different pages. Please note that all pages can be reached by clicking on the page title on the road as seen above▲.
Page 1 or the HOME PAGE is your current location. You will usually arrive here when you first enter The Gate Called Beautiful website. This page not only serves as an entry point for the website, but also provides an introduction into the ministry including the Mission and Vision Statements.
Page 2 is the Foundation page where you will find the basis for the Parish Nurse Ministry including how it fits into the Organizational Chart of the Church and the Scriptural foundation.
Page 3 or the Health Ministries Cabinet page describes the functions and duties of the cabinet with relation to guidance and direction of The Gate Called Beautiful. A list of members is also included on the page.
Page 4 or the Prayer Request page is Just That. A form is provided so that you may explain your prayer request along with contact information. When you 'click' the submit button your request is sent automatically to the Parish Nurse.
Page 5 or the Prayer List is intended for Members of the Congregation. This is the only password-protected page. Changes to the password will be listed in the Church Bulletin.
Page 6 or the Healing Scriptures page provides scriptures which are categorized into groups based on the nature of the infirmity. The list is not exhaustive and links to additional healing scriptures can be found in the links page (page 18).
Page 7 or the Parish Nurse page provides Dr. White an opportunity to explain the unique position of the Parish Nurse within the congregation including historical nature of the role.
Page 8 or the Nurse Spotlight page highlights nurses within the congregation of Family Faith Center. The primary focus of this page is to provide the congregation with each nurses specific strengths with regards to prayer and service.
Page 9 or the Announcements page provides the congregation with up-to-the minute changes in scheduled and non-scheduled events. This page is also an avenue to post health alerts and provide direction to the congregation when urgency is needed.
Page 10 or the Calendar page provides a schedule of events including Healing Services, Classes and Blood Pressure Monitoring times. It also designates which nurses are praying for regularly scheduled church events.
Page 11 or the Healing Services page provides a description of regularly scheduled Healing Services provided at Family Faith Center.
Page 12 or the Classes page provides a description of current and upcoming classes.
Page 13 or the Visitation of the Sick page provides a form which allows members of the congregation to request visitation by a nurse. The form is provided so that you may explain the reason for your request and the location where the visit is required. When you 'click' the submit button your request is sent automatically to the Parish Nurse.
Page 14 or the Bereavement Ministry page describes the Bereavement Ministry portion of The Gate Called Beautiful.
Page 15 or the Seasonal Awareness page is provided to remind the congregation of particular conditions which need our prayers all year long. Maybe God will prompt you to be the special prayer warrior for one of these special causes.
Page 16 or the Donations page describes the various programs associated with The Gate called beautiful and provides instruction to members of the congregation who wish to become involved with charitable donations.
Page 17 or the Recommended Reading page focuses on books concerned with divine healing. However, you may also find books on wellness, nutrition, and staying in shape. The Pastors' Corner has suggested books from Pastors Sam and Christina Segundo.
Page 18 or the Links page is where you will find Hyperlinks to Internet Resources on Healing Scriptures, Christian Music, Christian News and Christian Art.
Page 19 or the Contacts page supplies all the information you should need to contact The Gate Called Beautiful or Family Faith Center including phone and fax numbers, e-mail links and map of the church's physical location.